Tuesday, July 29, 2008

check out those legs

Algae leggings - very buff.
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Early morning walk

Well, another White Ibis was spotted, this time along a shallow in the Patapsco River. I finally was successful in actually seeing him. Below is my White Ibis (112). He is an immature Ibis, and therefore not very white.
In addition to the Ibis here is a partial list of creatures from this morning. Canada Geese, Green Heron, Great Blue Herons, several, Belted Kingfishers, Blue Winged Teals (113) and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, heard not seen. Also some four legged critters of note: a four point buck and some beavers photos below.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Birds of Race Road

Race Road, a swampy wetland and is always good for multiple waders.Here is what I have been able to view this summer
Great Blue Herons (pictured)
Great Egrets (also picture)
Green Herons
Yellow Crowned Night Heron (immature)
Belted Kingfishers (several)

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Thursday Afternoon

Still no White Ibis (WI)............ But once again I caught a glimpse of another Heron. This time it was an immature Yellow Crowned Night Heron (110)

I could not get a clear view and it had not as of yet developed all the adult type plumage, but none the less it was exciting to see it as I had again given up hope on WI and was about to head to the car.

Well, it is not as if there is nothing going on at the marsh (swamp), but my focus is on finding the WI.

Here is a list of the regulars that I see daily.

Great Blue Herons, 3 to 5, Great Egrets 1 to 3, Belted Kingfishers a pair, Green Herons 2, a Black Crowned Night Heron, Mallards, Canada Geese, Wood Ducks, Eastern Bluebirds, Goldfinches, Red Winged Blackbirds, Grackles, Owls, Hawks, and a lot of little brown jobs all over the place.

Lets see what tomorrow brings

July 17, 2008

Thursday morning and still no White Ibis. But,
number 109 showed up as a Marsh Wren.
Noisy little guy. He was hard to miss. He kept jumping around and singing until I paid attention.

(not my photo)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

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Summer doldrums

In between the spring migration and the fall migration there is a gap when very little goes on in the way of viewing new species
Last week there was a posting for a White Ibis in the county, very rare for our part of Maryland. The location happens to be very near my office near the county line.
Not having seen anything new or even anything old worth posting, I decided that early morning trips to this site might net me a new species to add my 2007 county list as well as my life. Three days of venturing to the site and nothing in the way of a White Ibis.

But I was able to see several Wood Ducks (106) a Blue Grosbeak (107). (pictured is an immature Green Heron. I miss identified as a Least Bittern.