Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The list continues........

Since I am working from behind with three months of data, I am going to catch up the list as quickly as possible by posting everything over two or three posts. This is going to be in chronological order as best as I can with a site/location noted.
Legend for the birding sites are:
Centennial Lake = CL
Lake Elkhorn = LE
Jackson Pond = JP
Sewell's Orchard Ponds = SO
Wilde Lake = WL
Lake Kittamaqundi = LK
Forebay Cove = FC
My backyard = BY
Tridelphia Resovour = TR

I generally walk one or more of these lake each day.

15 - Red tailed Hawk - LE - Jan-02
16 - Mallard - LE - Jan-02
17 - Canada Goose - LE - Jan-02
18 - European Starling - LE - Jan-02
19 - Turkey Vulture - LE - Jan-02
20 - Great Blue Heron - LE - Jan-02
21 - Bufflehead - LE - Jan-02
22 - Red bellied Woodpecker - LE -Jan-02 w/photo
23 - Red winged Blackbird - LE - Jan-02
24 - Red shouldered Hawk - LE - Jan 02
25 - Hooded Merganser - LE - Jan-02
26 - Song Sparrow - LE - Jan-02
27 - Ring billed Gull - LE - Jan-02
28 - Eastern Bluebird - LE - Jan-02
29 - Ring-necked Duck - LE - Jan-02
30 - Northern Flicker - JP - Jan-03
31 - White breasted Nuthatch - BY - Jan-03
32 - Yellow bellied Sapsucker - LE - Jan-05
33 - China White Goose - Daniels - Feb 18
34 - Canvas back Duck - CL - Jan-05
35 - Belted Kingfisher - LK - Jan-07 and again at WL & CL w/ Photos
36 - Ruddy Duck -WL - Jan 07
37 - American Robin - BY - Feb-10
38 - Bald Eagle - TR - Feb-17 w/ Photos. Seven counted this day.
39 - Common Mergansers - TR - Feb-17 w/ Photos. Hundreds on the water
40 - Fox Sparrow - LE - Feb-24
41 - Brown headed Cowbird - BY - Feb-24
42 - Common Grackle - BY - Feb-24
43 - Pied billed Grebe - TR - Feb-24
44 - Hairy Woodpecker - FC - Feb-25
45 - Red Necked Grebe - WL - Feb-25 w/ Photos- A rare bird for Howard County, MD. and
still at Wilde Lake as of Mar 26th
46 - Black Vulture - Everywhere everyday.
47 - Sharp-shinned Hawk - LE - Mar-03 w/ Photo
48 - Herring Gull - WL - Feb-27
49 - Cedar Waxwings - CL - Feb-28
50 - Rock Pigeons - Everywhere
51 - Eastern Phoebe - WL - Feb-27 and again on March 26th
52 - Common Golden eye - CL - Feb-28
53 - American Coot - CL - Mar-04 later on WL (3-26) and SO (3-24)
54 - Fish Crow - CL - Mar-4
55 - Hermit Thrush - CL - Mar-4 w/ Photo and again w/HCBC on Mar-09
56 - Cooper's Hawk - CL - Mar-09 w/HCBC
57 - Yellow Rumped Warbler - CL - Mar-09 w/HCBC
58 - Great Horned Owl - Snowden River PKWY - Mar-10 w/HCBC w/ Photos and story
see this link
59 - Double Crested Cormorant - WL - Mar-26 w/Photos
60 - Black crowned Night Heron - WL - Mar-26 w/ Photos

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