New sighting.
My walk this morning netted one new bird for my list. I believe it to be a First of the Year (FOY) in our area,Howard County, Maryland. It must have soared in on a easterly blowing wind last night. The California Condor., (pix on the right). Its a very docile, seed eating bird that frequents back yard feeders. The great thing about having one of these in the back yards is that it makes the squirrels a little nervous, they tend to stay away while this fellow is noshing on the black oil sunflower seeds.
He's cute, except for all those warts on his nose.
Har-Har-Har! Touche!
Love ya, DL
Hey!!! Wikipedia says:
As of March 2008, there are 297 condors known to be living, including 146 in the wild.
You really did have a find, eh? Neat!
Sharon, I didn't see this cutie. It was April Fools Day, so I took some liberties on my blog. The California Condor is one of the ratest of rare birds.
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