Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dec 12 again

An added bonus was while I was returning to the hotel room I spotted 2 Purple Finches along the walkway coming back from the beach. I gather that this is a very seldom seen this far south. I am sure that this pair was blown south by the storm.
Before traveling to St. Augustine Florida I tried to contact the local bird club for directions to a nice birding spot but received not response. That, I guess is a good thing because I struck out on my own and I located this rarity. Bad for the St Johns Bird club because I have no one to contact to let them know they have Purple Finches in their county.

If by some miracle someone from St. Johns County reads this posting and is interested, I would be happy to tell them where I found a pair for PF's.

Also blown in by the storm were several beautiful star fish washed up on the shore.

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1 comment:

My Open Nest said...

Funny, I saw a rare bird in St. Aug also. He was wearing a green coat and had a pair of binoculars up to his face.

Ha! LOL! Couldn't resist.

Love you, love your posts.