Sunday, March 30th 7 am
Nothing is quite like being near a body of water at sun rise. This morning as I started around Lake Kittamaqundi. The sun was just peaking through the tree line across the lake and from the south side a Great Blue Heron took off from the cat tails, immediately followed by a second GBH. A light mist raising from the lake's surface with two Herons flying through alternating shade and sun light cast by the trees at lake side. What a beautiful way to start a day. It is times like these that just reaffirms that the fact that God created a awesome universe. It is inconceivable that any of this is just by chance.
As I began my walk feeling very uplifted by the fact there seemed to be a lot of activity around the lake. After the GBH, I spotted a Belted Kingfisher, always a treat, and then a Killdeer (65) working its way along a mud flat. this was another first of the year (FOY).
Other birds were Redwinged Blackbird, Fish Crow, American Crow, lots on Northern Mockingbirds, Song Sparrows, White breasted Nuthatch, Eastern Blue Jay, Ring billed gulls, Canadas, Mallards, and just as I was about to leave, a bald Eagle arrived in a tree on the far side. Time elapsed was may 15 minutes. I was next off the one of my favorite lakes, Wilde Lake just across the hwy. 5 minutes west.
Just the highlights for Wilde lake, Black Crowned night heron, 12 Double crested Cormorants, Northern Flicker and several other woodpeckers and the first swallows of the year for me, Barn Swallows (66), Tree Sparrows (67) and a Northern Rough Winged Swallow (68). I know I am missing some of the peeps and warblers along the shores of these lakes, but hopefully I can get some help when I go on a walk with the local Howard County Bird Club the leaders are always fantastic
My photo was terrible so I picked this off the Internet. Photographic Credit to Alan D. Wilson
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