I am listing only new birds for the year.
(128)Black Throated Green Warbler 09/20/08 am
(129)Winter Wren 09/20/08
(130)Eastern Wood Pewee 09/20/08
(131)Broad Winged Hawk 09/21/08
(132)Pileated Wood Pecker 09/21/08
(133)Canada Warbler 09/21/08
(134)Blue Winged Warbler 09/21/08
(135)Blackburnian Warbler 09/21/08
Common Yellow Throat 09/21/08
(136)Philadelphia Vireo 09/21/08 - this was quite a find. I didn't realize it but someone else saw it two days before in the same area.
(137)Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker 09/24/08