Dana and I were up early today. She was meeting friends for breakfast, I had a men's study group at church. We decided it was a good day for a drive around Howard County's largest body of water, the Tridelphia Reservoir.
Today was more of a reconnoiter rather then an actual trip to bird, none the less I always end up making a list. Trip list is below.
Canada Goose - 36 (HOCO)
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 (MOCO)
Turkey Vulture - 1 (HOCO)
Bald Eagle - 1 (HOCO)
Least Sandpiper -8 (HOCO)
Least Sandpiper -8 (HOCO)
Caspian Tern - 1 (HOCO) (#125)
Belted Kingfisher - 2 (MOCO)
Red-bellied Woodpecker -heard (MOCO)
Northern Flicker - heard (Mont. Co)
Blue Jay heard (MOCO)
Vultures (sp)
Red-tailed hawk (HOCO)
Green Heron 2 (HOCO (MOCO)
I've never had the discipline to count each bird-only during the Christmas counts.-Where do you get your plate drawings from?-They make a nice compliment to your posts.
thanks for your comments. I came across these plates while I was looking for a photo collection of warblers. I wanted a page or two that I could refer to when out in the field without flipping pages.I found these just by chance on a wikimedia commons site. I found the plates to be a better reference guide then any of the field guides I have. Here is the link.
thabnks for reading. I havwe enjoyed your posts immensely. Michael
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