Sunday, July 12, 2009


Bird Listing has slowed down dramatically since the end of May. After finishing up with 33 new birds for the year by May 31. June netted one new bird for the year, a Eastern Wood Pewee, can you guess what vocalization it makes? This brought my yearly total to 169. I had several misses, with birds that were spotted in the area but moved on before I had a chance. Black-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Summer Tanager (this would have been a nice one) plus several warblers.

In July so far I have only been able to add one bird but it was a great bird for me , a pair Dickcissels . A hard bird to find because they have the unusual habit (or actually no habit at all) of never returning to the same breeding area. While with many species you can almost set your watch to with their return or exit to an area. The Dickcissel, it was explained to me, never returned to the same place. While we have a pair in the county this year we may not see this bird again for several years. All in all #170 for the county - 2009. # 195 on the county life list and number 224 on the over all life list.

Ahh. God's plan worked out to the tiniest detail. He even kept the birder in mind when He designed migration. With little to chase I can focus on the garden, hanging with my peeps and enjoying other summertime pursuits.

1 comment:

My Open Nest said...

Did you say "Hangin' with my peeps?" ha! You're funny, yet I enjoyed this post.