Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday Morning

Sunday, our local bird club had a field trip to Rockburn park. It was the first trip of the fall season and almost all the exceptional birders in the local club were there. As i result I learned more in a couple of hours at the park with these people then I ever could on my own. It is trips like these that really help expand my knowledge of how to locate and identify birds I would normally walk by and miss. We started about 8 am , I called it quits at 9:45 am.

Here is my list.
Number 126 - Yellow Billed Cockoo (2) Picture above
Number 127 - Bank Swallow - flyover


My Open Nest said...

Hey Dude, if I comment will you post more? LOL!

I've linked your blog in one of my post about you over on my blog.

Have a wunnerful day and Do Hard Things.

Michael said...

My, aren't you up bright and early? Too bad I had to take the car to the shop. We could have been tramping about.

I am doing them.

September 25, 2008 9:38 AM