At Centennial Lake this morning I took an abbreviated walk with the intent to find the Spotted Sandpiper that was reported to be along the bank on the deep end of the lake near the dam.
As I started out I immediately spotted several Purple Martins(91). Shortly thereafter the Spotted Sandpiper(92) walked out from behind a rock along the shore.
With that done I started back to the car to get and early start on the work day. But on the way back to car ,and there in a field of blooming mustard, was an Eastern Kingbird(93). It was a very striking bird with beautiful tail feathers.
LOL LOL How SWEET that the Lord placed those two there JUST FOR YOU! LOL LOL I LOVE IT.
Have a great day at work!
Wow! Isn't it neat how God has given you eyes to see his creation? I can't believe how close you are to your goal of 100 birds in Howard County. At this rate you'll have it maybe by the weekend.
Let's celebrate when you reach your goal.
Dana, I was thinking the same thing. His goal being met so early in the year...do you think that 200+ could be met this year? :)
Have a FUN time celebrating. I LOVE FUN! :)
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